I recently wrote a blog post about using GitHub Actions to automatically add a GitHub Issue to a GitHub project (Beta) when the issue is opened. I received a question from my colleague and maintainer of the promitor and KEDA Open Source (OSS) Projects, Tom Kerkhove on doing the same with a user-owned GitHub repository, rather than organisation-owned.
Update: This information is now outdated. Please see my post since GitHub Projects Went Generally Available, as there are some APIs used in this example which will be deprecated in October 2022.
I recently wrote a blog post on using GitHub Actions to automatically add a GitHub Issue to a GitHub Projects (beta) when an issue is opened. I received a question from my colleague and maintainer of the promitor and KEDA Open Source (OSS) Projects, Tom Kerkhove on using the sample with a user-owned GitHub repository, rather than an organisation-owned one.
Fortunately, there were relatively few tweaks needed to adjust the sample from the previous blog post to meet this requirement. I’m pleased on the response to the blog post so far. Particularly as I indirectly helped on a contribution to the KEDA project. KEDA is a project that I’m very fond of, and will have to write a post as part of the CNCF Projects series. I’m looking forward to using KEDA as a part of Azure Container Apps in the future.
Rather than repeating the entire blog post here, I’ll detail the tweaks that have been made to make it work against repositories and projects which are owned by a GitHub user.
Getting the project data
As highlighted in the previous post, the GitHub CLI Doc shows that an authentication token (set as the GH_TOKEN
environment variable) bypasses the need for an interactive login.
At the start of a workflow, GitHub Actions automatically creates a unique token for you. This token is set as the GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable and has a limited lifetime, with a default set of permissions. You can generate a Personal Access Token, assign the scope of the permissions needed and set that as a GitHub Secret GITHUB_TOKEN
for use within your GitHub Action workflows.
Note: I mentioned in my previous blog that that the default
did not have sufficient permissions to get the needed information. I had to create a Personal Access Token and provide it with the repo and read:org scopes.Even though there is a permission which relates to orgs, it seems as though it is also required for user-owned repositories as well.
The gh api graphql
command from the GitHub CLI can be used to query the GitHub API.
gh api graphql -f query='
query($user: String!, $number: Int!) {
user(login: $user){
projectNext(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
}' -f user=$USER -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
Note: When comparing the sample from the prior blog post, you will notice a couple of slight changes.
To make the script more easily readable, I changed the parameter name from org to user. More importantly, the organization field is changed to user (within the query type) to query the projects under a user profile instead of an GitHub Organisation.
Pulling it all together
The rest of the GitHub Action workflow file does not need to change. The end result will look a little like this:
name: Add issue to project
- opened
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Get project data
USER: chrisreddington
run: |
gh api graphql -f query='
query($user: String!, $number: Int!) {
user(login: $user){
projectNext(number: $number) {
fields(first:20) {
nodes {
}' -f user=$USER -F number=$PROJECT_NUMBER > project_data.json
echo 'PROJECT_ID='$(jq '.data.organization.projectNext.id' project_data.json) >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Add issue to project
ISSUE_ID: ${{ github.event.issue.node_id }}
run: |
item_id="$( gh api graphql -f query='
mutation($project:ID!, $issue:ID!) {
addProjectNextItem(input: {projectId: $project, contentId: $issue}) {
projectNextItem {
}' -f project=$PROJECT_ID -f issue=$ISSUE_ID --jq '.data.addProjectNextItem.projectNextItem.id')"
So there you have it. If you haven’t read it already, I recommend taking a look at my previous blog post so that you have the full picture. This once again shows the power of GitHub issues, not just focusing on Continuous Integration/Deployment, but also automating activities based upon GitHub events.
Are you using GitHub Actions to help with project management? Let me know in the comments below!
I’ve been following the GitHub Projects beta for a while now, and have been fortunate to be accepted as an early adopter. I’m a big fan of the direction, and the flexibility. One of the limitations I’ve noticed is that there’s currently no built-in way to automatically add an issue to a project board. It’s on the backlog, but not yet available. Fortunately, GitHub Actions has us sorted. I’ll walk you through a sample I put together to do exactly that.
We often hear about Kubernetes, App Services, VMs and more. What about static sites? The Static Content Hosting pattern can be cost-effective, and when combined with a CDN can be incredibly performant! We will get hands-on, showing how these resources come together into a Cloud Architecture.
Chris is the producer and host of his podcast CloudWithChris.com. He uses GitHub to version control the site’s source code, GitHub Actions to build and deploy the site to Azure and other clouds, and GitHub Issues/Boards to plan the episode backlog. In this session, we’ll explore how GitHub can be used to deploy your own workloads to Azure.