You may have noticed there are some posts preceding this one. I’ve had a few attempts at putting my blog together, but then dwindle out on my cadence… Well, given the recent success with my Cloud with Chris podcast, I’m beginning to consolidate… Starting with my blog! Here’s an update on what you have to look forward to!
You may have noticed there are some posts preceding this one. I’ve had a few attempts at putting my own personal blog together, but over time, my posts dwindle… Well, given the recent success with my Cloud with Chris podcast, I’m beginning to consolidate… Starting with my blog! Here’s an update on what you have to look forward to!
As we enter 2021, like most, I’ve been reflecting on what my goals are / what I want to achieve. Rather than setting many goals, I’ve decided to stay focused on one goal. My contributions into the technical community. So it was only natural that I start thinking about the various channels that I have, and how I can consolidate/focus, as well as decide upon what type of content I’ll be focusing on.
This is step 1, consolidating my blog from my prior site into the Cloud With Chris Platform. Given that both sites were focused around me, it made sense to consolidate, so I’ll be setting up a redirect from my domain to moving forward. I’ll also be consolidating my social media presence. Twitch was a nice idea/experiment, but I’d like to focus on YouTube and the various podcasting channels where I have a presence, so I’ll also be deprioritising the Twitch side of things moving forward as well.
Additionally, I have an open item in my mind around Twitter. I currently have a personal account and the Podcast account. I’m considering closing the CloudWithChris one, in favour of directing people to my personal Twitter Account, and renaming the handle to chrisreddington for consistency across my social media presence. Though, reddobowen is what I commonly use in gaming and other platforms, so this one is undecided!
Now for the interesting bit, content! We seem to have had a good rhythm with content over recent months, and I plan for that to continue! I’m currently looking throughout 2021, and considering the various series that I want to complete, and the topics that may be of interest. If you have a series / technology that you’d like to see covered, then please do let me know - As I want to make sure I’m prioritising the right topics for you!
So far, we have the following -
- Azure and GitHub
- Architecting in the Cloud, One Pattern at a Time
- Tales from the real world
- Additional episodes that are released on a regular basis
There are a few other series ideas that I’m planning out / determining how they may work -
- A series that is a little more relaxed, e.g. having a number of presenters in a gaming scenario (e.g. Minecraft, Among Us, Flight Sim, etc.) discussing some of the latest top of mind thoughts / thoughts around architecture/technology used within those games.
- Expanding the guests that I invite onto the show, to folks that can explain their own cloud implementations and the decisions that they have made.
- A weekly episode on the latest trends that I’m seeing, as well as some of the latest announcements (Of course, I can’t cover everything - but will aim to cover the bits that stand out!)
- A roundup from conferences that occur throughout the year (Again, this won’t cover everything - but will hopefully act as a good summary / trigger for you to find out more!)
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve recently upgraded my camera/lighting setup, and continuing to invest in that even further. I’m working my way through the scheduling/logistics of the above series, and will share more news and details as soon as I have them.
But most importantly, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the above and your suggestions on what you would like to see. After all, the reason that I’m doing all of this is to contribute back to a community that I care deeply about. So, it’s important that I’m listening just as much as I’m creating! I recently read through a number of comments across my podcast channels, and found some feedback that a user isn’t enjoying the content as much since the transition to YouTube, as they’re unable to listen to it on the go as much. Completely acknowledge this point, and I’m still working on how to get the format right for the differing scenarios. Any specific examples, or areas you want to call out - please do let me know - after all, we’re all learning - together!
So here’s to 2021. A hopefully better year than 2020. As you can see, I have some big plans on continuing to grow Cloud With Chris and re-invigorate my blogs once more. As always, I’d love to hear from you - just get in touch!
We’re going to go in a little bit of a different direction for this episode, and focus on the podcast itself and my podcast journey so far! Not only is this episode topic slightly different, we’re running a different format as well! In this episode, I’m joined by my colleague, Fletcher Kelly - who is exploring the idea of setting up his own podcast! Instead of me being the interviewer, I’m the one who ends up in the hot seat and talk about my experience so far of setting up Cloud with Chris! Hopefully this will give you a little bit of an idea of my journey so far, and why I wanted to set the podcast up as well! So, let’s go ahead and start the episode…
If you have been keeping up to date with the latest and greatest in Azure Services (yes, I know there are quite a few!), you may have heard of a new service called Azure Functions. Azure Functions is an event-driven Platform as a Service capability, helping you to execute code upon the occurrence of a particular event. It is currently in preview, though already has a lot of potential.
When designing a solution, you want to be sure that your communications are secure and that your users can trust your application. Typically, SSL certificates can be useful for this purpose.That is well and good from a design and development perspective, but there may some management headaches when operating and governing the solution. How do you keep track of the certificates? How do you guarantee that they are kept secure? How do you ensure that certificates renew on time?