
Working through a challenge, and can’t quite solve it? Think it could make a good blog post idea? I’d love to hear!

Make a suggestion over on the GitHub repository.

Set up your Go development environment with Visual Studio Code and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Over the past few weeks, I have been working on a new set of pet projects. I've wanted to learn Go for a while, so I thought this could be a great opportunity to get hands on and try it out. It's fair to say that my development environment was 'functional', but I wanted to revisit it to make sure that I could get the best out of it. In this blog post, I'm going to walkthrough the process of setting up Go on my machine, and then the experience of using Visual Studio Code and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with Ubuntu.

April 26, 2022
Cloud With Chris - Moving Forwards

You may have noticed there are some posts preceding this one. I've had a few attempts at putting my blog together, but then dwindle out on my cadence... Well, given the recent success with my Cloud with Chris podcast, I'm beginning to consolidate... Starting with my blog! Here's an update on what you have to look forward to!

January 2, 2021
Shift Left and Increase your Code Quality with Azure DevOps Branch Policies

This post is similar to another I recently wrote on using Branch Protection Rules in GitHub. Instead of focusing on GitHub, we'll be looking at how you can use Branch Policies in Azure DevOps (specifically, Azure Repos). If you're using Azure Repos, but not using Branch Policies - I'd encourage you to start using them! I hope this post helps you learn how!

September 9, 2021

Latest Blogs

Shift Left and Increase your Code Quality with GitHub Branch Protection Rules

If you’re using GitHub as your source control provider, then I’d encourage you to using Branch Protection Rules if you’re not already doing so! In this blog post, we’ll cover what Branch Protection Rules are and how they can increase your code quality.


August 30, 2021
Why you should care about Azure Front Door Standard and Premium

Azure Front Door - It’s an Azure Service that has been generally available for quite some time. It went Generally Available (GA) in April of 2019 after being in Public Preview since September 2018. It’s had several updates since, including a slew of Web Application Firewall enhancements, Rules Engine support and much more. But did you know Microsoft released the Azure Front Door Standard and Premium SKUs in preview in Feburary of 2021? So, what are they? How do they compare to the aforementioned Azure Front Door offering? And when would you want to think about using Azure Front Door compared with Azure CDN? We’ll be covering all of those points in this post.


August 26, 2021
How to use the Azure Well-Architected Framework in your projects

You’ll have probably spotted by now that cloud architecture is a passion area of mine, and a regular topic that features on Cloud With Chris. We’ve talked a lot about Cloud Design Patterns and requirements-driven engineering in the past, as well as the various pillars of software quality. But one area that hasn’t been explored too much is the Azure Well-Architected Framework. So in this blog post, we’ll explore that, and identify how it can be used in your own projects.


August 18, 2021
How to use Managed Identity and APIM to call Azure Services from an APIM policy directly

Back in June, I wrote a blog post on API Management and how you can use API Management policies to enforce access restriction policies. I was going to write a follow up post on how to use API Management policies in additional scenarios, but it’s one of those scenarios where great minds think alike!


August 17, 2021
Why you should be using Azure Security Center

Whether you’re brand new to Azure or have been using it for some time, you have likely either heard of - or come across - Azure Security Center. It’s a service which can prove extremely valuable in baselining, measuring and improving your security posture. But, did you know there is additional functionality beyond the free tier? You may have previously known this as the standard tier, or now know this as Azure Defender, where you can opt in for those Azure Services that you particularly want to protect.


August 16, 2021
Why you should get involved in the Tech Community

I recently gave a talk on my journey into the Azure Technical Community. While my day job is working for Microsoft, I get a lot of energy through blogging, podcasting and vlogging - ultimately, helping others grow, inspiring and encouraging them along their own technical journey. In this blog, I write about why I got involved with the technical community, some of my reflections on the journey and what I continue to look forward to.


August 11, 2021
How I use Azure Integration Services on Cloud With Chris

I’ve written blog posts previously around Azure Service Bus vs Azure Storage Queues, as well as an introduction to Azure Logic Apps and how I used it at the time. Back then, my use-case was fairly rudimentary and focused on a specific scenario. In this blog post, I explain the changes that I have made and how I’ve used common cloud design / integration patterns to implement a more robust solution.


August 2, 2021
Choosing between Azure Static Web Apps and Static sites on Azure Storage

If you’ve seen any of my community talks, then you’ll be aware that Static sites and the Static Content Hosting Pattern is a passion area of mine. In Azure, there are a couple of great services that stand out when building towards this approach. These are Azure Static Web Apps and the Static sites functionality in Azure Blob Storage. But, which one is right for your scenario? Read on to find out more.


July 28, 2021
Making more accessible

I’ve recently been on a journey. I’ve recently come across a number of accessibility issues on I’ve been working on making the site more accessible, and I’ve also been working on making it more inclusive. In this blog post, I’m going to outline some of my findings, the tools that I used to identify those, and how I’ve worked to fix them. This is an ongoing project, so I’ll provide further posts as it makes sense.


July 16, 2021
Azure Storage Queues vs Azure Service Bus Queues - Which should I use when?

I’ve recently been involved in a few integration focused discussions, where there is a requirement to bring together multiple separate systems. If you’ve been following the Architecting for the Cloud, one pattern at a time series, then you’ll have heard Peter Piper repeat a common phrase - ‘High Cohesion, Low Coupling’.


July 13, 2021