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Dominic Williamson
Karel De Winter
Annie Talvasto
Thomas Maurer
Jonah Andersson
Lee Williams
Chris Reddington
Andrew Greenstein
Johnny Hooyberghs
Andrew Nathan
Daniel Scheufler
Mert Yeter
Rapid Prototyping as a way to validate your idea

Rapid Prototyping is an approach to software development that emphasizes quick, iterative development cycles and minimal feature sets. The goal in rapid prototyping is not to develop a product. The goal is to, as quickly as possible, build something that utilizes a technology or platform to the point that you can understand the strengths and weaknesses of that technology or platform.


November 17, 2022
Building, Deploying and Observing SDKs as a Service

Maintaining and developing SDKs for a multiple of languages and platforms can be time consuming and laborious. While there are many ways to tackle such a feat, using open api spec, the biggest issue I’ve come across is generating SDKs that consume your service in a way that developers can use them. In this talk we are going to look at some ways to create your own customisable SDK generation service, Utilising openapi generator tools and ways to test against multiple language types.


November 10, 2022
Chaos Engineering for Cloud native Apps

Improve application resilience with chaos testing by deliberately introducing faults that simulate real-world outages. Azure Chaos Studio Preview / AWS Fault Injection Simulator is a fully managed chaos engineering experimentation platform for accelerating discovery of hard-to-find problems, from late-stage development through production. Disrupt your apps intentionally to identify gaps and plan mitigations before your customers are impacted by a problem.


November 3, 2022
ClickOps over GitOps

The delta between Kubernetes and a developer friendly PaaS is where the next layer of value is being created today. Many products are racing to fill the void that is called Kubernetes developer experience. This is also the place where things get opinionated, a requirement for reliable end to end workflows. In this talk you will learn about Gimlet.io’s approach on how Kubernetes UIs can be quick to use, and safe at the same time. In this talk you will see how you can create a developer platform - with the usual components Cert-Manager, Nginx Ingress etc - and deploy on it with only clicking on a dashboard. You will also see that behind the curtains, all Gimlet does is writing yamls into a git repository. ClickOps.. over GitOps.


October 27, 2022
ToolUp Days #15

ToolUp Days is all about showing the thought process and decisions made when creating an application. Join Chris and Matt as they build a new application from the ground up, including development processes, tooling, service choices and architectural decisions!


October 21, 2022
Beyond Monitoring: The Rise of Observability Platform

System availability and performance are not stand-alone goals hence non-availability and under-performance of applications and systems in IT landscape will negatively affect user experience and customer satisfaction causing revenue losses for organizations.


October 18, 2022
ToolUp Days #14

ToolUp Days is all about showing the thought process and decisions made when creating an application. Join Chris and Matt as they build a new application from the ground up, including development processes, tooling, service choices and architectural decisions!


October 7, 2022
ToolUp Days #13

ToolUp Days is all about showing the thought process and decisions made when creating an application. Join Chris and Matt as they build a new application from the ground up, including development processes, tooling, service choices and architectural decisions!


September 20, 2022
Policy as [versioned] code - you're doing it wrong

In this talk Chris will trace back the origins of how policies are often incepted, how it can get out of hand, be slow if not impossible to update and measure compliance, and often lead us to question of is the policy helping or hindering? You’ll learn how to use product ways of thinking towards how your organization can manage policy; achieve continual updates to policy allowing the risk mitigations to move as fast as the risk does, not get in the way and be easy to measure compliance.


September 15, 2022
Tools of a Software Architecture for Everyone!

Architecture is something for the whole development team, not just architects. In this episode, Chris is joined by John Kilminster, who shares his Tips & Tricks on a wide variety of architecture tools, including C4 Diagrams, Docs as Code, Architecture Design Records, Tech Radars and Backstage. Plenty to learn and apply to your day-to-day in this episode!


September 8, 2022