A livestream on Mental Health - Mental Health Awareness Week

A livestream on Mental Health - Mental Health Awareness Week

May 13, 2021

MentalHealth​ - A concept that often has stigma surrounding it, or a concept that is misunderstood. In this livestream, Chris will be joined by several friends and colleagues as they talk through their own mental health stories.

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25 - A conversation on Mental Health

Mental Health - A concept that often has stigma surrounding it, or a concept that is misunderstood. In this episode, Chris Reddington is joined by Andrew Nathan as they both talk through their own experiences of Mental Health, the importance of looking after your mental health, and being okay with not being okay.


February 9, 2021
V006 - Weekly Technology Vlog #6 (Recap, Coming Up and NEWS!)

In this video, Chris updates on cloud with Chris from the recent week, and what’s coming up over the next week (Azureish Live, another blog post and The Pipes & Filter / Priority Queues patterns). We then explore the most recent updates from Azure Updates, Azure Architecture Center, Azure DevOps Blog and GitHub Blog. There are some good updates on Project Bicep, Delivery Plans 2.0. and a whole host of Azure updates this week!


February 8, 2021
V005 - Weekly Technology Vlog #5 (My Setup, Architecture Patterns, Mental Health and NEWS)

In this video, Chris updates on cloud with Chris from the recent week, and what’s coming up over the next week (Spoiler - This is a packed week - another blog, a new series - Cloud Gaming Notes, and an episode on Mental Health). We then explore the most recent updates from Azure Updates, Azure Architecture Center, Azure DevOps Blog and GitHub Blog.


February 1, 2021