Tales from the Real World - Azure AD B2C: A real silver bullet

Tales from the Real World - Azure AD B2C: A real silver bullet

August 6, 2021

Due to COVID-19, vOpen.Tech had to move so quickly from being a physical event to a virtual one. That meant that collecting registrations and user info as well as registering users had to be done online. Azure AD B2C was the silver bullet that allowed us to overcome and succeed, with almost no code and in less that 15 days! In this session we will see how easy, fast and cheap we can have a production-ready, fully scalable, robust and secure IAM PaaS system with Azure AD B2C.

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12 - Modern Identity Patterns

Planning to build a cloud application, but not so sure on the latest Identity Patterns? Not sure on your AAD compared with your AAD B2B or AAD B2C? Then check out this episode, where Chris Reddington is joined by Christos Matskas.


October 16, 2020
How I use Azure Integration Services on Cloud With Chris

I’ve written blog posts previously around Azure Service Bus vs Azure Storage Queues, as well as an introduction to Azure Logic Apps and how I used it at the time. Back then, my use-case was fairly rudimentary and focused on a specific scenario. In this blog post, I explain the changes that I have made and how I’ve used common cloud design / integration patterns to implement a more robust solution.


August 2, 2021
Azure Storage Queues vs Azure Service Bus Queues - Which should I use when?

I’ve recently been involved in a few integration focused discussions, where there is a requirement to bring together multiple separate systems. If you’ve been following the Architecting for the Cloud, one pattern at a time series, then you’ll have heard Peter Piper repeat a common phrase - ‘High Cohesion, Low Coupling’.


July 13, 2021
42 - How to choose the 'Right' Datastore for your scenario

There are so many types of data stores out there these days. You have relational, non-relational, documents, blob, tables, files and more. There’s also a growing awareness of ‘Polyglot Persistence’ where you use different data stores depending on the task. But how do you know which is the ‘right’ one? Chris is joined once again by Steph Martin as we talk through some of these types of datastores, and the factors that may help you in your decision!


July 9, 2021