Have you deployed your application in a way that it needs compute dedicated for each instance? Perhaps you have an app which could be deployed as a Software as a Service/multi-tenanted app, but still have a deployment per tenant? Well, find out how the Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern could be saving you cost in this episode of Cloud With Chris. This is another episode in the series of Architecting for the Cloud, one pattern at a time. at a time.
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Let’s introduce Episode #2! This was a suggestion from the community, so a big thank you to Garth Niblock for this one! Last time we talked about requirements, and cost is one dimension of that - but a very important one. When we move into a cloud world, the technology will change, but the way way that we think about cost changes as well. So this episode will be called ‘‘Cost Control’’. Let’’s listen in…
Ever wondered how complex integration systems / enterprise messaging works? Curious about whether there’s a way to bypass and prioritise certain messages? Then join this episode as Chris Reddington and Will Eastbury explore the Priority Queue and Pipes and Filter patterns. Spoiler - These aren’t new cloud design patterns, and are well known patterns in the messaging world!
Ever thought about what it takes to host a game in the Cloud? Well, this is the series for you! On the first Wednesday of every month, we explore Cloud Concepts that impact your journey to a connected multiplayer gaming experience! In this first session, we’ll play some Minecraft and talk to the concept of a hosted game server.
Have you ever seen one of those status pages that returns healthy when all is good, but unhealthy when there is a problem with even one dependent service? Probably on a cloud service health dashboard? Well tune in to this episode as we talk about the Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern and how you can design a health check to achieve the same for your own cloud deployment!