31 - Deploying to Azure through Terraform Cloud

31 - Deploying to Azure through Terraform Cloud

March 19, 2021

You may have heard of Terraform, but are you aware of Terraform Cloud or Terraform Enterprise? In this session, Chris will give a rundown of how he has used Terraform Cloud as the underlying engine to deploy some of his own projects onto Azure. Prepare to get meta as we even look how Terraform can help set up Terraform Cloud in this episode of Cloud with Chris!

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GitHub Actions and Azure - Deploying ARM templates with GitHub Actions

Have an application that you want to deploy to Azure in an automated way? Well, before we deploy the application code, we need some Azure Infrastructure for it to run on. In this video, we have you covered on how to deploy that infrastructure!


December 2, 2020
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 4

Part 4 - The final part (at least for now, until I find somewhere else that we can expand on with this)! This part will focus on porting the keys that we have recently generated onto our YubiKey device. I own a YubiKey NEO, so i’ll be using that.


March 17, 2021
Cloud Drops - Introduction to GitHub Codespaces

Have you ever had to setup a development environment from scratch? You have to install a ton of dependencies, probably a few tools along the way as well. It’s not fun, it takes a lot of time and it prevents you from being productive. This is where GitHub Codespaces comes in.


March 16, 2021
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 3

Okay, part 3! At this point, I’m assuming that you have already familiarised yourself with part 1 and part 2 of the series. As a quick recap, part 1 focused on why we would consider using GPG Keys in general. Part 2 focused on how to generate GPG keys along with some recommended practices on splitting out our master (Certification) key, from our specific purpose-driven keys. This post (part 3) focuses on using those keys as part of our usual development workflow using Git. We’ll be assuming that GitHub is our end target, as GitHub supports commit signature verification using GPG Keys.


March 10, 2021