Discussing the Cloud with Chris GitHub Architecture and GitHub setup

Discussing the Cloud with Chris GitHub Architecture and GitHub setup

April 22, 2021

In this session, Chris is joined by Karl Cooke - Implementation Specialist at Action Point Technology Group, Blogger at https://irishtechie.com. Chris and Karl talk all about the CloudWithChris.com architecture and the decisions surrounding the GitHub setup that drive the deployment and management of CloudWithChris.com.

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Jonnychipz - In Conversation with Chris Reddington

Mr Chris Reddington talks to us about his life as a Microsoft Azure Fast Track Engineer and some of the pain points he helps Customer navigate. We discuss DevOps and Infrastructure as Code as well as key skills needed for this modern IT world we now live in and more!


February 19, 2021
8 - Azure Security

In this episode, we get back to a requirements based topic, and an area that will significantly impact the design of our resulting solution architecture. That topic is security! It’s one of the hot topics that organisations want to discuss when moving to the cloud. So I’m pleased to be joined in this episode by another colleague, Andrew Nathan, who has a wealth of knowledge in the cyber security space.


June 7, 2020
Deploying a multi-region Serverless API Layer (Part 1)

In my spare time, I work on a pet project called Theatreers. The aim of this is a microservice based platform focused on Theatre / Musical Theatre (bringing a few of my passion areas together). I’ve recently re-architected the project to align to a multi-region serverless technology stack.


July 13, 2019
GitHub actions and static content

Chris is a podcaster (‘Hoster’) in his own right with his ‘Cloud with Chris’ show (https://www.cloudwithchris.com/) . On this episode he talks to us about using GitHub Actions for processing of static file content (like you have on a Podcast for example).


April 19, 2021