You have a working set of GitHub actions, but several environments that you want to deploy into. How do you easily separate secrets for use between environments, and ensure you have approvals before releasing into production? For that, you’ll need to use Environments! We’ll explore those in this episode of Cloud with Chris!
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In this episode, we’re going to be taking a slight detour away from GitHub actions and focus on some of the announcements from GitHub universe last week. We’re going to explore them both from the announcements, and also take a look at some of those features that have already been released. Stay tuned!
You have your .NET Core code. You have your application infrastructure ready. Now, it’s time for us to deploy that application to Azure using GitHub Actions!
For some time, I’ve been using GitHub actions to update the content of my site (i.e. pages, descriptions, metadata, etc.). Through Hugo, these content updates automatically update the RSS feeds. This then makes the episodes appear in podcast services such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify. However, throughout that time I have been manually uploading the podcast files to my storage account. It wasn’t a significant overhead, but I kept thinking that there must be a better way to do this. And, there is - I’ve implemented it! This blog post will walk you through why I’ve made these changes, how I made them and what the result is.
Chris is a podcaster (‘Hoster’) in his own right with his ‘Cloud with Chris’ show ( . On this episode he talks to us about using GitHub Actions for processing of static file content (like you have on a Podcast for example).