Do you have a site that is made up mostly of Static Content (e.g. HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Images)? Interested how you can optimise for performance and cost savings as well? Then join this episode as we talk through the Cloud Design Pattern, ‘The Static Content Hosting Pattern’. This is another episode in the series of Architecting for the Cloud, one pattern at a time.
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During the 2020 Festive Break, I had a lot of time on my hands. I took 4 weeks of my Annual Leave, which meant I had the majority of December to personal time. Personal time / time off is great, but I also wanted to push myself and catch up on some pieces that were on my personal learning or achievement list for some time. I started refreshing my knowledge around Rails (having developed in it some years ago, it’s progressed quite a bit!), NodeJS, GoLang and Rust. All interesting to learn, and I’m sure I’ll be continuing on my journey with these throughout 2021. But that’s not the point in this blog post. One of the activities that I kicked off was contributing into the Hugo Community. Read on to find out more.
In this video, Chris sets off his weekly technology vlog updates talking about some of the things he worked on over his December break including OSS Contributions. He also talks through some updates from the month of December across Azure, GitHub and Azure DevOps.
Mr Chris Reddington talks to us about his life as a Microsoft Azure Fast Track Engineer and some of the pain points he helps Customer navigate. We discuss DevOps and Infrastructure as Code as well as key skills needed for this modern IT world we now live in and more!
Chris joined Mert to talk all about Cloud Design Patterns, the Azure Architecture Center, Cloud Project Design Best Practices and Challenges in Cloud Development.