Coming up


How GitHub can help in planning, building and deploying a Podcast/Blog site

Chris is the producer and host of his podcast He uses GitHub to version control the site’s source code, GitHub Actions to build and deploy the site to Azure and other clouds, and GitHub Issues/Boards to plan the episode backlog. In this session, we’ll explore how GitHub can be used to deploy your own workloads to Azure


March 18, 2021
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 4

Part 4 - The final part (at least for now, until I find somewhere else that we can expand on with this)! This part will focus on porting the keys that we have recently generated onto our YubiKey device. I own a YubiKey NEO, so i’ll be using that.


March 17, 2021
Cloud Drops - Introduction to GitHub Codespaces

Have you ever had to setup a development environment from scratch? You have to install a ton of dependencies, probably a few tools along the way as well. It’s not fun, it takes a lot of time and it prevents you from being productive. This is where GitHub Codespaces comes in.


March 16, 2021
V011 - Weekly Technology Vlog #11

Almost 3 months of vlogging! Chris talks about his recent episodes, and upcoming content. This upcoming week is full of DevOps, with the completion of the GitHub, Git and GPG Key series. On Friday, he’ll be releasing an episode on using Terraform Cloud to deploy to #Azure. Lots of great community goodness this week, including an Azure Thames Valley meetup on Tuesday, and lightning talks at the Welsh Azure User Group on Thursday. All that, before we even start thinking about the Azure Blog/Updates, Azure DevOps Blog and GitHub Blog! Time to tune in and get up to date.


March 15, 2021
30 - The Cache Aside Pattern (Optimise your caching approach!)

Have you implemented caching within your application and need a better way to maintain consistency between your cache and datastore? Or maybe you haven’t adopted caching yet, and intrigued on what patterns you could use to do so? Then take a look in this session as Chris explores how caching can improve your access to information in your data store, using the cache aside pattern.


March 12, 2021
Using GPG Keys to sign Git Commits - Part 3

Okay, part 3! At this point, I’m assuming that you have already familiarised yourself with part 1 and part 2 of the series. As a quick recap, part 1 focused on why we would consider using GPG Keys in general. Part 2 focused on how to generate GPG keys along with some recommended practices on splitting out our master (Certification) key, from our specific purpose-driven keys. This post (part 3) focuses on using those keys as part of our usual development workflow using Git. We’ll be assuming that GitHub is our end target, as GitHub supports commit signature verification using GPG Keys.


March 10, 2021
Cloud Drops - Installing, Upgrading and Auto-Upgrading the Azure CLI

Want to get started with the Azure CLI in Azure Cloud Shell or on Containers, Linux, macOS or Windows? Then check out this bite-sized video from the Cloud With Chris Cloud Drops series on Installing, Upgrading and Auto-Upgrading the Azure CLI.


March 10, 2021
V010 - Weekly Technology Vlog #10 (Episode backlog until Mid-July! New Microphone, Ignite Content!)

In this video, Chris updates on the Cloud With Chris content over the last week. It’s been busy! Vlog #9, Git and GPG Keys Part 2, Cloud Gaming Notes Episode 2, The Side Car and Ambassador Patterns, Teasing the Cloud Drops Series and presenting at the Limerick Dotnet Azure User Group. There are episode recordings already scheduled until Mid-July, with plenty of additional content planned as well! Oh, and there was this small Microsoft Ignite conference, where we cover some of the key updates there as well! And some dates for your diaries.. March 18th - Welsh Azure User Group (Lightning Talks), March 25th (MSHowTo Live) and April 6th (Northern Azure User Group), where Scott Hanselman will also be speaking!


March 8, 2021
How GitHub Actions can help in building and deploying a static website and more

Chris is a Senior Azure Engineer at Microsoft. He’ll explore how GitHub Actions can be used to deploy your own static sites (or other apps!) to Azure.


March 6, 2021
29 - The Sidecar and Ambassador Patterns

Have a need to update a legacy application to use cloud concepts such as retry, circuit breaker or other features? Then the ambassador or sidecar patterns may be for you! Join Peter and Chris as they continue their journey exploring Cloud Design Patterns. In this session, they discuss the Sidecar and Ambassador Patterns.


March 5, 2021