Coming up

10 - Exploring GitHub Actions to deploy Static Content and Azure Functions | Cloud with Chris

Recently, I’ve been doing a bit of work with GitHub Actions as well as Terraform for a pet project I’ve been working on. I’ve been building a multi-tenanted inventory app for my Yu-Gi-Oh card collection. In this session, we’ll explore some of the GitHub actions that I have used to deploy the application content and various Microservices.


October 2, 2020
9 - Building smart Integration Solutions with Microsoft Azure

When we think about cloud, we typically think about distributed systems and somehow bringing those different components or systems together, so integrating them. But what are the common practices, or common challenges? You’ve probably heard of serverless, how does that fit into things? Well, I’m pleased to be joined by Ezhilarasi Chezhiyan, Product Consultant of Serverless360 at So, without further ado - let’s go ahead and jump straight in.


August 2, 2020
8 - Azure Security

In this episode, we get back to a requirements based topic, and an area that will significantly impact the design of our resulting solution architecture. That topic is security! It’s one of the hot topics that organisations want to discuss when moving to the cloud. So I’m pleased to be joined in this episode by another colleague, Andrew Nathan, who has a wealth of knowledge in the cyber security space.


June 7, 2020
7 - Creating Cloud with Chris

We’re going to go in a little bit of a different direction for this episode, and focus on the podcast itself and my podcast journey so far! Not only is this episode topic slightly different, we’re running a different format as well! In this episode, I’m joined by my colleague, Fletcher Kelly - who is exploring the idea of setting up his own podcast! Instead of me being the interviewer, I’m the one who ends up in the hot seat and talk about my experience so far of setting up Cloud with Chris! Hopefully this will give you a little bit of an idea of my journey so far, and why I wanted to set the podcast up as well! So, let’s go ahead and start the episode…


May 24, 2020
6 - Hybrid Cloud

Joining me in this episode is Thomas Maurer, a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft who engages with the community and customers around the world! Most of the focus so far in Cloud with Chris has been on Public Cloud, so Thomas and I adjust course slightly, and talk about Hybrid Cloud, and the new and upcoming features of the Microsoft Azure platform. Get ready to be introduced to a wide variety of Azure Technologies, and how they may be able to strengthen your on-premises, public cloud or multi-cloud deployments. Let’s listen in…


May 10, 2020
5 - The API Economy

Let’s introduce the next episode -We have another guest! We’re starting to bring a few of those previous topics together in this episode. We touch upon requirements, DevOps, and building applications - or rather APIs - in the cloud. In this episode, I talk with a colleague and friend, Peter Piper, on factors that relate and impact API design. So, without further ado… here we go!


April 25, 2020
4 - Hackathons

Here we go - Episode #4! Have you ever had an idea, and you want to quickly prove it out? Or have you wanted to build out a scenario to expand your own skills, whether that is development, design or perhaps other skills? You’ve probably heard about Hackathon events in recent years, and that’’s what we’’ll focus on in this episode! I’m very excited to introduce my second guest of the show, Maria Vrabie, a very good friend, who has plenty of experience with Hackathons, both participating in them and organising or mentoring for them. It’s a very insightful session, so let’s go ahead and find out more about Maria’’s experience with Hackathons.


April 12, 2020
3 - DevOps in a Cloud World

In this episode, I’m very fortunate to have my first guest come and join me! And what better way to kick this off, than a topic area which is very close to my own heart - DevOps. I’m very excited that I was able to invite Abel Wang, Principal Developer Advocate and DevOps lead to come and join me to talk of his experiences at Microsoft. We jump through a few different areas, from What is DevOps, how it links back to requirements, Data DevOps and shifting left. There’s plenty to learn from in this one, so let’s dive straight in!


March 29, 2020
2 - Cost Control

Let’s introduce Episode #2! This was a suggestion from the community, so a big thank you to Garth Niblock for this one! Last time we talked about requirements, and cost is one dimension of that - but a very important one. When we move into a cloud world, the technology will change, but the way way that we think about cost changes as well. So this episode will be called ‘‘Cost Control’’. Let’’s listen in…


March 15, 2020
1 - Requirements in Context

This is the first episode! We’ll be talking about all things requirements. Why is that? Well, that’s the place any kind of project should start - What are you aiming for, what are you trying to achieve and what is the context?


March 1, 2020