Cam Adams

Cam Adams

Cam Adams is an engineering manager within the FastTrack for Azure team. He is a career .Net developer dating back to the prerelease days. Cam has a particular interest in testing, scale and security which combined gives him excuse to DDoS sites in the name of science. #firethelaser

Past Episodes

18 - Tales from the Real World - Defying Gravity.. The magic behind Flight Simulator 2020

Have you tried Flight Simulator 2020 and been impressed by how well it maps to the real world? Joined other users in the simulator on a journey and encountered other ’live’ aircrafts, or changing weather conditions? This is powered by the Cloud! Join Chris and Cam as they embark on a journey of discovery, and a quick lap around the skies…


December 18, 2020
13 - Tales from the Real World - Defying DDOS

When building solutions in the cloud, security is often a pillar that we hear come up in the requirements discussion. But how does that translate into the real world? Particularly defending against DDOS attacks? Check out this episode, where Cam Adams joins Chris and talks about some of the recent work that he has been doing, helping customers defend against this.


October 30, 2020