I’m CTO @Sintraconsulting and I worked as Senior Developer, Team Leader and architect in a very large set of enterprise projects. I had a master’s degree in Robotic science and another master’s degree in project management. My experience in technology extends on many technologies (java, PHP, .net) and platforms (Sharepoint, Liferay, Pimcore) other than techniques (Agile, DevOps, ALM). I’m also interested in Agile techniques, project management, and product development.
The opensource experience My second life is about opensource. I started in 2006 with an IDE for CSS, and I founded a group of opensource developers called “arduosoft”, because make opensource software in the spare time was arduous. During the last 13 years, I created many opensource projects, most of them failed. This is a very big experience and teaches me how to start an opensource project and avoid it will fail. Nowadays you can find on my personal GitHub account (https://github.com/zeppaman/) or into the Arduosoft organization account (https://github.com/arduosoft).
My experience as speaker I’m writing about cloud transformation on most important Medium publications (The Startup, Better programming, Towards Data Science) and my profile is https://medium.com/@daniele.fontani
I write on the Codeproject community for 13 years and I’m now a member of the author’s group (https://www.codeproject.com/Members/sir-zeppaman). I’m one administrator of the meetup group TechItalia Tuscany that has the goal to link professionals and creates a network through technical meetings https://www.meetup.com/it-IT/TechItaliaTuscany/
I speak publicly once a month. I have spoken physically or virtually in many countries (Uk, Jamaica, Italy, Belarus) about DevOps, opensource, and cloud transformation.
You can invite me to your event by filling this form
Past Episodes
Ten years and more passed since Patrick Debois coined the term DevOps, in 2009. In the IT world, nothing is definitive. All the technologies and techniques continue to evolve following an innovation trend that we cannot stop. We cannot merely say: ‘I’m tired of changing; please give me a rest.’ The only option is to be ready for the change. In DevOps, there is a significant change because of the rise of the cloud and the market, always more demanding. The DevOps philosophy was adopted by most companies and bring essential improvements to quality and cost-saving. Anyway, the DevOps scenario is continuously evolving and adapting to the new market requirements. In this speech, we will analyze the new frontiers of DevOps and what to know to keep up with the times. Let’s see in this article what are the latest trends to follow.