Isaac Levin

Isaac Levin

Isaac Levin is a Product Marketing Manager in Azure at Microsoft. He has over 10 years of experience working as a developer for the web, mostly in the Microsoft Ecosystem. When he isn’t helping customers get the most of Microsoft Products, he contributes to Microsoft Documentation in the .NET and ASP.NET space as well as other open-source projects, and occasionally blogs about things that interest him. He likes to wind down from work with his wife Ariana and his 2 sons Isaac and Avery.

Past Episodes

36 - Application Insights: The Tool You Never Knew You Needed

Understanding how our applications function in the wild is essential for developers when issues arise. With the power of knowledge, we can enable ourselves to provide the best experience to our fellow developers, and our stakeholders. One of the solutions that supplies this power is Application Insights. Application Insights is a service provided by Microsoft allowing you to monitor your application live, detect performance anomalies, and observe this data with powerful analytics. Together we will see how easy it is to add Application Insights to our applications, whether we have access to the codebase or not. Once instrumented, we will dive deeper into the capabilities of Application Insights and show how to leverage all the rich data collected from our application. Finally, as developers the last thing we want to do is troubleshoot an issue in Production, with everyone watching and the stakes are high. Watch as we monitor a live application that is throwing exceptions and how Application Insights can be used to help us solve the problem faster. When we are done, attendees will be empowered with the knowledge to leverage Application Insights to be more productive with their work.


May 21, 2021
32 - Accelerate .NET to Azure with GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate all your software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub. Make code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want. With .NET Core bringing a cross platform approach, getting your applications to the Cloud is easier than ever. In this session we will learn the different ways to deploy our .NET applications to the cloud and how we can use GitHub Actions to make it faster!


March 26, 2021