CNCF Projects

CNCF Projects

We’ve all heard of Kubernetes. Perhaps you’ve heard about Prometheus? But what about KEDA, Helm, Rook, Chaos Mesh and more? In this series, I’ll explore the numerous projects that exist as part of the Cloud Native Compute Foundation landscape.

Enqueue and Dequeue messages locally with dapr, Azure Service Bus and Azure Storage Queues

In a previous blog post, I provided an overview of the Distributed Application Runtime (dapr) and explained how it is a useful framework when building microservices. In this blog post, I will show you how to use dapr to enqueue and dequeue messages locally with Azure Service Bus and Azure Storage Queues.


April 26, 2022
Introduction to The Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr)

In this post, we’re going to explore the Open Source project known as Dapr (The Distributed Application Runtime). This post is primarily aimed at those who already have an understanding of Containers, Kubernetes and Microservices. However, if you’re not familiar with these topics - I’ll do my best to set the right context and background without making the blog too lengthy!


January 13, 2022
Introducing the Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF)

Inspired by the recent episode with Annie Talvasto, I wanted to put together a blog post that will introduce an ongoing series on Cloud With Chris. Before we introduce that series though, it’s important that we first introduce the Cloud Native Compute Foundation (more commonly known as CNCF).


July 5, 2021