Tech Roundup

Tech Roundup

Chris provides a regular update on what’s going on in Azure, Azure DevOps and GitHub from a technology and community perspective. He also updates on the recent and upcoming items on Cloud With Chris! Want to stay up to date? Then this is the series for you!

Tech Roundup - May 2022

Overwhelmed at keeping up to date with Azure? Or how about keeping a pulse on the Latest GitHub news, Azure DevOps and more? In this episode, Chris provides a summary of updates on the latest Azure DevOps News, GitHub updates and new announcements in Azure. And if that wasn’t enough, he also gives a roundup of the latest on Cloud With Chris - including episodes, blog posts, open source projects and community work! Let Chris do the hard work keeping you on top of everything! Grab some snacks. Grab a drink. Come along and tune in for a relaxed and informative learning session!


May 29, 2022
Tech Roundup - April 2022

Overwhelmed at keeping up to date with Azure? Or how about keeping a pulse on the Latest GitHub news, Azure DevOps and more? In this episode, Chris provides a summary of updates on the latest Azure DevOps News, GitHub updates and new announcements in Azure. And if that wasn’t enough, he also gives a roundup of the latest on Cloud With Chris - including episodes, blog posts, open source projects and community work! Let Chris do the hard work keeping you on top of everything! Grab some snacks. Grab a drink. Come along and tune in for a relaxed and informative learning session!


April 24, 2022
Tech Roundup - March 2022

Overwhelmed at keeping up to date with Azure? Or how about keeping a pulse on the Latest GitHub news, Azure DevOps and more? In this episode, Chris provides a summary of updates on the latest Azure DevOps News, GitHub updates and new announcements in Azure. And if that wasn’t enough, he also gives a roundup of the latest on Cloud With Chris - including episodes, blog posts, open source projects and community work! Let Chris do the hard work keeping you on top of everything! Grab some snacks. Grab a drink. Come along and tune in for a relaxed and informative learning session!


March 26, 2022
Tech Roundup - February 2022

Overwhelmed at keeping up to date with Azure? Or how about keeping a pulse on the Latest GitHub news, Azure DevOps and more? In this episode, Chris provides a summary of updates on the latest Azure DevOps News, GitHub updates and new announcements in Azure. And if that wasn’t enough, he also gives a roundup of the latest on Cloud With Chris - including episodes, blog posts, open source projects and community work! Let Chris do the hard work keeping you on top of everything! Grab some snacks. Grab a drink. Come along and tune in for a relaxed and informative learning session!


February 27, 2022
Tech Roundup - January 2022

Overwhelmed at keeping up to date with Azure? Or how about keeping a pulse on the Latest GitHub news, Azure DevOps and more? In this episode, Chris provides a summary of updates on the latest Azure DevOps News, GitHub updates and new announcements in Azure. And if that wasn’t enough, he also gives a roundup of the latest on Cloud With Chris - including episodes, blog posts, open source projects and community work! Let Chris do the hard work keeping you on top of everything! Grab some snacks. Grab a drink. Come along and tune in for a relaxed and informative learning session!


January 30, 2022
V041 - Weekly Technology Vlog #41

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris.


October 10, 2021
V040 - Weekly Technology Vlog #40

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris.


October 3, 2021
V038 / V039 - Weekly Technology Vlog #38 and #39

In this video, chris provides another update on Cloud with Chris, updates on what’s coming soon and Azure related news!


September 26, 2021
V037 - Weekly Technology Vlog #37 (GitHub Issues Beta Special!)

In this video, chris provides another update on Cloud with Chris, updates on what’s coming soon and Azure related news! We’ll also be walking through the new GitHub Issues Beta!


September 12, 2021
V036 - Talking cloud and playing Among Us with the community

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris, while gaming with the Cloud Family Community.


September 5, 2021