Find out how you can leverage Azure Spring Cloud for running your Java spring boot applications on Azure. Chris is joined by Gitte Vermeiren as they talk through all things Azure Spring Cloud in this episode of Cloud With Chris!
In this video, Chris recaps the events over the last week, including his transition from FastTrack for Azure Engineer into a Cloud Solution Architect, The Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern and being ‘In Conversation with’ JonnyChipz and the relaunch of Azure Thames Valley! This week, expect an additional blog post on GitHub and GPG, as well as an Intro to Landing Zones with Karim Fahmy. Don’t forget to checkout the session with Squared Up on Thursday as well! It’s a busy week! The last one has been busy for the Azure Enginering teams, as we recap some of the updates (This is one not to miss - There’s a lot!)
Did you know that static content can help you build performant sites that easily scale globally? Better yet, they can be incredibly cost-effective! Join Chris, as he talks through JAMstack (not related to Paddington bear - I promise!) and why you should care about it, Static Site Generators such as Hugo, Azure Hosting Options - Azure Storage vs Azure Static Web Apps and Combining Static sites with Serverless APIs