
V033 - Weekly Technology Vlog #33

In this video, Chris provides another update on Cloud with Chris, updates on what’s coming soon and Azure related news!


August 15, 2021
Why you should get involved in the Tech Community

I recently gave a talk on my journey into the Azure Technical Community. While my day job is working for Microsoft, I get a lot of energy through blogging, podcasting and vlogging - ultimately, helping others grow, inspiring and encouraging them along their own technical journey. In this blog, I write about why I got involved with the technical community, some of my reflections on the journey and what I continue to look forward to.


August 11, 2021
V032 - Talking cloud and playing Among Us with the community

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris, while gaming with the Cloud Family Community.


August 8, 2021
V031 - Weekly Technology Vlog #31

In this video, chris provides another update on Cloud with Chris, updates on what’s coming soon and Azure related news!


August 1, 2021
V030 - Sailing the Sea of Thieves while talking Cloud

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris, while gaming with the Cloud Family Community.


July 25, 2021
Lessons Learned from Cultivating Open Source Projects and Communities

In this episode, Chris is joined by JJ Asghar as they talk through lessons learned from cultivating open source projects and communities. Over the last decade, JJ has had the privilege professionally of building and cultivating some Open Source projects and communities.This isn’t a tools talk. This is a talk about the soft skills you have to have to be able to succeed as a leader in an Open Source project. JJ’s journey started tending the frequently asked questions for a small Linux Distribution called CRUX, and then years later professionally moved to the OpenStack-Chef project to build OpenStack clouds. He has grown other projects along the way, helped build tooling and communities, some successful and still running today, others were just flashes in the pan. He’s learned a ton on this journey; and still is, but has some lessons that are hard-learned and hopefully will warn against pitfalls that can cause wasted cycles and pain.


July 23, 2021
V029 - Sailing the Sea of Thieves while talking Cloud

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris


July 18, 2021
V028 - Weekly Technology Vlog #28

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris, while gaming with the Cloud Family Community.


July 11, 2021
V027 - Weekly Technology Vlog #27

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris. He also explores GitHub Copilot using Ruby and Python, looking into the potential that it has!


July 4, 2021
V026 - Sailing the Sea of Thieves while talking Cloud

In this session, Chris provides a series of updates focused around Azure, DevOps, GitHub and Cloud With Chris while sailing the seas with friends from the #CloudFamily Community. Like this episode? Please like the video, subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell so that you know as soon as there’s new content!


June 27, 2021