13 - Tales from the Real World - Defying DDOS

When building solutions in the cloud, security is often a pillar that we hear come up in the requirements discussion. But how does that translate into the real world? Particularly defending against DDOS attacks? Check out this episode, where Cam Adams joins Chris and talks about some of the recent work that he has been doing, helping customers defend against this.


October 30, 2020
8 - Azure Security

In this episode, we get back to a requirements based topic, and an area that will significantly impact the design of our resulting solution architecture. That topic is security! It’s one of the hot topics that organisations want to discuss when moving to the cloud. So I’m pleased to be joined in this episode by another colleague, Andrew Nathan, who has a wealth of knowledge in the cyber security space.


June 7, 2020
2 - Cost Control

Let’s introduce Episode #2! This was a suggestion from the community, so a big thank you to Garth Niblock for this one! Last time we talked about requirements, and cost is one dimension of that - but a very important one. When we move into a cloud world, the technology will change, but the way way that we think about cost changes as well. So this episode will be called ‘‘Cost Control’’. Let’’s listen in…


March 15, 2020