Chaos Engineering for Cloud native Apps

Improve application resilience with chaos testing by deliberately introducing faults that simulate real-world outages. Azure Chaos Studio Preview / AWS Fault Injection Simulator is a fully managed chaos engineering experimentation platform for accelerating discovery of hard-to-find problems, from late-stage development through production. Disrupt your apps intentionally to identify gaps and plan mitigations before your customers are impacted by a problem.


November 3, 2022
ClickOps over GitOps

The delta between Kubernetes and a developer friendly PaaS is where the next layer of value is being created today. Many products are racing to fill the void that is called Kubernetes developer experience. This is also the place where things get opinionated, a requirement for reliable end to end workflows. In this talk you will learn about’s approach on how Kubernetes UIs can be quick to use, and safe at the same time. In this talk you will see how you can create a developer platform - with the usual components Cert-Manager, Nginx Ingress etc - and deploy on it with only clicking on a dashboard. You will also see that behind the curtains, all Gimlet does is writing yamls into a git repository. ClickOps.. over GitOps.


October 27, 2022
ToolUp Days #15

ToolUp Days is all about showing the thought process and decisions made when creating an application. Join Chris and Matt as they build a new application from the ground up, including development processes, tooling, service choices and architectural decisions!


October 21, 2022
Passwordless deployments to Microsoft Azure with GitHub Actions

Discovering passwords in our codebase is probably one of our worst fears as a developer. But, what if you didn’t need passwords at all? Join Chris, as he explores how you can use OpenID Connect to trust your cloud provider, enabling you to deploy easily, securely and safely.


October 15, 2022
End-to-end InnerSourcing and Secure Development with GitHub

Many of you may be familiar with GitHub for your own Open Source (OSS) projects. But, did you know that you can run your end-to-end development within your organization using GitHub Enterprise? Join Chris for a whistle-stop tour in the day-in-the-life of a developer with GitHub Codespaces, GitHub Copilot, GitHub Actions and GitHub Advanced Security, showing how you can bring Open Source best practices into your day-to-day work (also known as InnerSource)!


October 13, 2022
From 'It works on my machine' to 'It was written by a machine' - GitHub Codespaces & Copilot

Being a developer is hard. From knowing the building blocks of programming, through to keeping on top of the latest languages and frameworks. That’s before we even think about running systems in production… But at some point, we’ve all uttered those words ‘It works on my machine’. Or, may have looked up code snippets from our favourite search engine… What if there was a better way for both? In this demo-led session, Chris will introduce GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Copilot, explaining how they can improve your developer experience and make you even more productive!!


October 10, 2022
ToolUp Days #14

ToolUp Days is all about showing the thought process and decisions made when creating an application. Join Chris and Matt as they build a new application from the ground up, including development processes, tooling, service choices and architectural decisions!


October 7, 2022
From 'It works on my machine' to 'It was written by a machine' - GitHub Codespaces & Copilot

Being a developer is hard. From knowing the building blocks of programming, through to keeping on top of the latest languages and frameworks. That’s before we even think about running systems in production… But at some point, we’ve all uttered those words ‘It works on my machine’. Or, may have looked up code snippets from our favourite search engine… What if there was a better way for both? In this demo-led session, Chris will introduce GitHub Codespaces and GitHub Copilot, explaining how they can improve your developer experience and make you even more productive!!


September 23, 2022
ToolUp Days #13

ToolUp Days is all about showing the thought process and decisions made when creating an application. Join Chris and Matt as they build a new application from the ground up, including development processes, tooling, service choices and architectural decisions!


September 20, 2022
Git and GitHub for the Data Professional

GitHub is just that tool which developers use on Open Source projects, right? Not quite! You could be using Github in your day-to-day work. Have you thought about storing your SQL scripts, or machine learning workbooks in Git repositories? How about checking the quality of the content that you’ve version controlled? Or thinking about the security of your project? These are all things that GitHub can help with! Join Chris in this session as he provides a holistic overview for data professionals on GitHub, GitHub Enterprise and GitHub Advanced Security.


September 14, 2022