GitHub Projects

GitHub Projects is now GA! Automation Updates

In a couple of previous blog posts, I provided a writeup on the GitHub Projects Beta. I wrote two posts on automation within GitHub Projects (Adding Issues to GitHub Projects with GitHub Actions for a user profile and Adding Issues to GitHub Projects with GitHub Actions for an Organization profile). I’m pleased to say that the capabilities went Generally Available last week! As a result of the GA announcement and resulting changes, I need to post updates to my older samples.


July 31, 2022
Automate adding GitHub Issues to GitHub Projects (Beta) in a repository owned by a user

I recently wrote a blog post about using GitHub Actions to automatically add a GitHub Issue to a GitHub project (Beta) when the issue is opened. I received a question from my colleague and maintainer of the promitor and KEDA Open Source (OSS) Projects, Tom Kerkhove on doing the same with a user-owned GitHub repository, rather than organisation-owned.


February 10, 2022
Automate adding GitHub Issues to GitHub Projects (Beta) in a GitHub organisation

I’ve been following the GitHub Projects beta for a while now, and have been fortunate to be accepted as an early adopter. I’m a big fan of the direction, and the flexibility. One of the limitations I’ve noticed is that there’s currently no built-in way to automatically add an issue to a project board. It’s on the backlog, but not yet available. Fortunately, GitHub Actions has us sorted. I’ll walk you through a sample I put together to do exactly that.


February 5, 2022