Open Source

Enqueue and Dequeue messages locally with dapr, Azure Service Bus and Azure Storage Queues

In a previous blog post, I provided an overview of the Distributed Application Runtime (dapr) and explained how it is a useful framework when building microservices. In this blog post, I will show you how to use dapr to enqueue and dequeue messages locally with Azure Service Bus and Azure Storage Queues.


April 26, 2022
Introduction to The Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr)

In this post, we’re going to explore the Open Source project known as Dapr (The Distributed Application Runtime). This post is primarily aimed at those who already have an understanding of Containers, Kubernetes and Microservices. However, if you’re not familiar with these topics - I’ll do my best to set the right context and background without making the blog too lengthy!


January 13, 2022
Lessons Learned from Cultivating Open Source Projects and Communities

In this episode, Chris is joined by JJ Asghar as they talk through lessons learned from cultivating open source projects and communities. Over the last decade, JJ has had the privilege professionally of building and cultivating some Open Source projects and communities.This isn’t a tools talk. This is a talk about the soft skills you have to have to be able to succeed as a leader in an Open Source project. JJ’s journey started tending the frequently asked questions for a small Linux Distribution called CRUX, and then years later professionally moved to the OpenStack-Chef project to build OpenStack clouds. He has grown other projects along the way, helped build tooling and communities, some successful and still running today, others were just flashes in the pan. He’s learned a ton on this journey; and still is, but has some lessons that are hard-learned and hopefully will warn against pitfalls that can cause wasted cycles and pain.


July 23, 2021
Introducing the Cloud Native Compute Foundation (CNCF)

Inspired by the recent episode with Annie Talvasto, I wanted to put together a blog post that will introduce an ongoing series on Cloud With Chris. Before we introduce that series though, it’s important that we first introduce the Cloud Native Compute Foundation (more commonly known as CNCF).


July 5, 2021
Crossposting Content: A New Project

Following on from my recent post where I discussed using for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), I wanted to stick with a similar theme, but a slightly different angle or topic. This time, we’ll be covering the topic of crossposting content.


May 5, 2021
Contributing to Open Source

Contributing to Open Source Software. It sounds so formal, doesn’t it? I thought that for quite a long time, and it put a bit of a mental barrier in place for me to begin my journey. I am a classic over thinker, but that’s perhaps another blog in its own right! Contributing to Open Source isn’t as scary as it may first initially seem. Let’s start with a few thoughts.


January 12, 2021
Contributing to a Hugo Theme - The Castanet and  Hugo Community Themes

During the 2020 Festive Break, I had a lot of time on my hands. I took 4 weeks of my Annual Leave, which meant I had the majority of December to personal time. Personal time / time off is great, but I also wanted to push myself and catch up on some pieces that were on my personal learning or achievement list for some time. I started refreshing my knowledge around Rails (having developed in it some years ago, it’s progressed quite a bit!), NodeJS, GoLang and Rust. All interesting to learn, and I’m sure I’ll be continuing on my journey with these throughout 2021. But that’s not the point in this blog post. One of the activities that I kicked off was contributing into the Hugo Community. Read on to find out more.


January 6, 2021
V001 - Weekly Technology Vlog #1 (Blog, Hugo, Azure, GitHub & Azure DevOps)

In this video, Chris sets off his weekly technology vlog updates talking about some of the things he worked on over his December break including OSS Contributions. He also talks through some updates from the month of December across Azure, GitHub and Azure DevOps.


January 4, 2021