
Using RegEx and VSCode's Find/Replace capability to add captions to markdown images

If there’s an easy way to achieve something, then I’m all for it! You may have noticed that I’ve been putting a lot of effort into refactoring my site and open sourcing the original Cloud With Chris theme. I’ve now released that as the Hugo Creator theme for Hugo. As part of the refactoring process into a reusable theme, I had to make several breaking changes. This meant that I’d need to update the contents of my site. I want to share a quick tip that I discovered to add captions to my images in markdown.


February 5, 2022
Tales from the Real World - Architecting the Transformation

Most organizations engaged in transformation today are moving from left to right in digitally-driven maturity models. The objectives are well known: increase agility, boost productivity, and provide seamless digital experiences for consumers. Architects play a pivotal role as the curators of this transformation. In this session, Asanka will share his experience on how architects can contribute and introduce a framework to follow on refactoring enterprises.


September 10, 2021
Windows Terminal - What is it, and how can it make you productive with Azure?

For some time now, I’ve been using Windows Terminal as my local terminal for interacting with my command-line tools for quite some time now. Whenever I’m demonstrating Kubernetes concepts or working with the Azure CLI, I’ll likely have had the Windows Terminal open at some point. I always get questioned about which terminal that is, and how people can get access to it. I recently put together a Cloud Drop on How Windows Terminal can make YOU productive with Azure, so I figured it’s time to also write up a blog post on the same! Whether you’re a Developer, DevOps Engineer, Infrastructure Operations or Data Scientist, you’ve probably had to interact with a command-line terminal / shell at some point, so I hope this will be useful for you!


April 8, 2021
Cloud Drops - How Windows Terminal can make YOU productive with Azure

Windows Terminal is a modern application that allows you to use your command-line of choice, whether that is the Windows Command Prompt, PowerShell, PowerShell Core, Windows Subsystem for Linux or the Azure Cloud Shell. This Cloud Drop shows you how to install Windows Terminal, and some tips/tricks in making you productive in Azure!


April 3, 2021