
Chaos Engineering for Cloud native Apps

Improve application resilience with chaos testing by deliberately introducing faults that simulate real-world outages. Azure Chaos Studio Preview / AWS Fault Injection Simulator is a fully managed chaos engineering experimentation platform for accelerating discovery of hard-to-find problems, from late-stage development through production. Disrupt your apps intentionally to identify gaps and plan mitigations before your customers are impacted by a problem.


November 3, 2022
Microservices have communication issues, especially when they fail

Communication between entities has been a long lasting topic in Software engineering. IPC, Message brokers, Queues are only few of the main actors in this drama. In this episode, Chris is joined by Francesco who will cover a couple of Microservices communication patterns and give a deep dive into the Saga pattern to resolve multi-step transaction flows.


September 1, 2022
Why you should care about Azure Front Door Standard and Premium

Azure Front Door - It’s an Azure Service that has been generally available for quite some time. It went Generally Available (GA) in April of 2019 after being in Public Preview since September 2018. It’s had several updates since, including a slew of Web Application Firewall enhancements, Rules Engine support and much more. But did you know Microsoft released the Azure Front Door Standard and Premium SKUs in preview in Feburary of 2021? So, what are they? How do they compare to the aforementioned Azure Front Door offering? And when would you want to think about using Azure Front Door compared with Azure CDN? We’ll be covering all of those points in this post.


August 26, 2021
How to use the Azure Well-Architected Framework in your projects

You’ll have probably spotted by now that cloud architecture is a passion area of mine, and a regular topic that features on Cloud With Chris. We’ve talked a lot about Cloud Design Patterns and requirements-driven engineering in the past, as well as the various pillars of software quality. But one area that hasn’t been explored too much is the Azure Well-Architected Framework. So in this blog post, we’ll explore that, and identify how it can be used in your own projects.


August 18, 2021
34 - The Bulkhead Pattern (Isolate your components to prevent failures)

Do you know what caused the Titanic to sink? Poorly designed bulkheads. How can you ensure resilience between components in your cloud application? Effectively designed bulkheads! In this session, join Chris as he explores how the bulkhead pattern can help you prevent excessive load or failures in one service impacting the consumers of that service!


April 9, 2021
Deploying a multi-region Serverless API Layer (Part 1)

In my spare time, I work on a pet project called Theatreers. The aim of this is a microservice based platform focused on Theatre / Musical Theatre (bringing a few of my passion areas together). I’ve recently re-architected the project to align to a multi-region serverless technology stack.


July 13, 2019
Approaching Resilience in Azure Solutions

I mentioned in Building Solutions in the Cloud that I would be writing a series of blog posts on the areas of risk that I have seen since I have been providing guidance around Azure. In this post, I will provide some thoughts on how you can consider resilience within the context of your own solution or application.


August 26, 2016
Building Solutions in the Cloud

By now, we should be aware of the benefits that the cloud can bring to any individual or organisaton. There are plenty of case studies, talking about the scalable, flexible and economic benefits. Companies see the cloud as a differentiator, and utilise it to disrupt and innovate in their respective markets. Gartner predicts that in 2016 the total public cloud market is due to increase by 16%. But, Chris - You’re starting a blog about technology. Why are you talking to me about customer case studies and market fact? Why? Context.


August 4, 2016